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Faith dreams of buying a business, but lacks the know-how...
An Inspirational Story

Watch how she gains the CLARITY to know what she needs, the CONFIDENCE to know she’ll succeed, and the COURAGE to take action!

Experience the Business Buying Process

Hop on her rollercoaster ride as she clashes with her boss and navigates the twists and turns of buying her own shop.

A Fun and Engaging Journey

Walk in Faith’s shoes as she learns the Ten “P” steps from Michael and his business-savvy parents.

Gain Valuable Insights

Enter the world of veteran business owner Ben — and understand the seller’s perspective in any small-business transaction.

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    To perform a test transaction, click below to copy a test card number and paste into the field below. Enter any valid date and any 3 digits for the CVC.
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    • Total payment
    • 1xFaith In Business Book$23.10
    • Shipping$0

    All prices in CAD


